I remember being told as a four year old child to be careful to not eat the yogurt bug in our yogurt jar. With no further explanation of what this actually meant my imagination went wild. From then on I spent many hours staring at the Ag jar in the fridge hoping to catch a […]
Tag: bacteria
Make your own apple cider vinegar Part one.
Every year, when the apples are ripening and falling off the trees faster than they can be eaten or bottled or given away it’s the time to turn some of them into apple cider vinegar. Apple Cider vinegar is touted as an amazing cure-all by many. Unfortunately there is a dirth of research, yet I […]
I attended a seminar yesterday talking about herbal solutions for skin problems. We all get (well I know I do) overwhelmed and confused by the information about the “bad” ingredients in shampoos, conditioners, moisturisers, hand creams, washing powders, detergent, etc etc etc. One thing is sure and that is that there are a huge amount […]