We make natural skincare

Roast Vege Salad for a Shared Meal

Every Tuesday evening I go to Maori language class. We start at 5pm and finish around 9.45. Everyone brings a contribution for a shared evening meal. There are vegetarians and meat-eaters and some of us are gluten free or lactose intolerant. A few peops won’t eat meat/chicken unless it is free-farmed and organic so bringing […]

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English measles

English Measles is caused by Morbillivirus. It is an epidemic illness also known as rubeola (German measles is known as rubella) This childhood disease was extremely common before the introduction of vaccinations. In children it expresses itself with runny nose, fever, headache, conjuctivitis and/or light sensitivity, Koplik’s spots and a red rash which spreads over […]

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Whooping Cough

Whooping cough is caused by the bacteria Bordetella pertussis, hence it’s medical name pertussis. The typical symptoms of this respiratory infection are inflammation of the mucus membranes with lots of mucus and a distinctive cough which ends in a whooping sound. The disease is more likely to occur in spring and summer. How do you […]

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