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Breakfast buckwheat groats

If you are looking for a gluten free easy as pie breakfast to make, look no further. Buckwheat groats tick all the boxes. Buckwheat is technically a seed so contains no gluten and when cooked has an earthy, nutty flavour. There are many health benefits to adding buckwheat to your diet either in groat or flour form. I won’t list them all here but suffice to say buckwheat contains high-quality protein that delivers all of the eight essential amino acids, including lysine, which is usually lacking in grains. The gluten-free grain also contains two powerful flavonoids which act as antioxidants, rutin, and quercetin. You can add anything you fancy to the groats. This is what I put together this morning.

For one person; soak 1/2 cup groats in water (overnight if you can) otherwise a half hour will do. Change the water and in a small pot replace enough water to cover the same height again as the groats. Add 1 teaspoon organic coconut oil, a twist of black pepper, 1/4 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp dessicated coconut, 1 tsp sunflower seeds, 1 tsp raisins.

Bring to the boil then simmer until the water has been absorbed. I dressed mine with yoghurt, fresh fruit, and a drizzle of maple syrup.

Buckwheat groats with fresh feijoa, banana and blueberries.

2 thoughts on “Breakfast buckwheat groats

    1. Thanks Millie, If I eat fruit and grains together I often get a stomache-ache so for me the buckwheat is a chance to indulge in a hot “grain” with a fruit topping. nomnom

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